Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Dr. Paul decided to give us a Maths test today. No numbers in any of the questions. All about dead and living algae.. Since it will not be assessed, everyone simply did it and submitted. Er... I tried my best *wink*. Best excuse. Anyway, I didn't understand what he taught today. CBA, CAO, CBO......
Worse of all, 'T with a tail'?? That's what he said. Before lecture, I was lucky enough to see him cycle pass me while waiting at the bus stop today. I have no comment about him, just one thing--poor thing..

Coursework Coursework Coursework!!

I found myself becoming dumb after the fever (or I was actually dumb all the time?)

Stupid fire alarm went off again in Ewings (dear's block) today. I was there when it rang. It rang yesterday because of a burnt sausage, I heard. Today it's because someone cooking.. He managed to make the whole kitchen so smoky. Poor
ROOM 6 guy had been framed for triggerring the fire alarm because of the smell from his room. BAD SMELL! And the tutor from Ewings did not even come out. I wonder what she was doing.

Missed the dinner today as I was sleeping so deep. Haha. Bread for dinner then...

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