1st February 2009 Manchester Chinatown -- Road block, police everywhere... just for this -->

fun fair

some lanterns

so many people surrounding the lion (at least I get to see one here)

dragon (I think it looks more like a lizard, Paul said it looked like a tube brush)

there were performances back there 'HOT' dance.. yeah... 'Hot'
and choir singing 'Silent Night' (didn't really know what they were singing, but it was the Silent Night's music)

麒麟 Qi Lin (we don't get this in Malaysia)

as usual, the lion went from one shop to another, but not for angbao

it then started to snow when we reached our hall...
the next day it was all white everywhere...
Am I not appreciative enough to have at least this kind of thing in Manchester for Chinese New Year?
dear,we have Qi Lin in Malaysia lah..and in Miri itself too!!