Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Counting hours..

I've been doing volunteering, involuntarily

20 hours at least for 10 credits!
Hold on..
20 hours of volunteering + 1 e-poster + 12 online discussions + 24 hours of lecture = infinity hours for 10 credits

And I just got back from shoveling soil, after painting my tyre. I got my white coat stained with red paint, my white shoes covered in mud and my jeans stained with mud, my arms aching for pushing the wheelbarrow and my nap time gone!

Anyway, I enjoyed my volunteering in Minehead Resource Center where we made pancakes for the elderly. It was my first time making and tossing pancakes (with 2 failed products ) ! They were so glad to have us there, even though it's a day after pancake day.

 my best friend, Candy

Jemma with the chef of the center. She had to pushed the trolley around to serve the elderly

Annabel and Jemma putting filling the pancakes

Sorina who handled two pans herself 

our fillings for pancakes

And I am still counting how many hours I've done...

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