Sunday, April 24, 2011


Oh my God!!

What happened??!!

I didn't know what made me click on the app on facebook 'Messages from God'. I had never really bothered about it. I was just feeling really down and depressed over some thoughts.. unnecessary thoughts.

So... I got this:
You've been worrying too much about the future lately. So tonight, go ahead, put your faith in God, and just have a peaceful evening and a restful sleep.

I was so shocked!! How could this happen? That's exactly what has been thinking about! The FUTURE!! And God is speaking to me! This.. is... amazing... even though I have always known that God is amazing, but I was still very shocked!

Anyway, it's Easter today! Rejoice! And thank you Jesus!

Monday, April 11, 2011


I think I have insomnia. After days of sleeping for only 4 hours or even less a day, I think I now have insomnia. It's 5 am, and I'm not even tired. Now I'm no longer stressed about my design project, and I have nothing much to worry about, but why can't I fall asleep?

Oh well. Like I said, design project is seriously a health hazard. Ironically, I did the health and safety hazards part for my part 3 report. For one whole week, I had been sleeping for at most 4 hours a day, and they weren't good quality sleeps. Sometimes I dreamt about having to hand in my report literally in the next hour and I'd only done 50% of it, and I would wake up immediately and start working. And of course, there were all-nighters as well. I had been sleeping in the morning at 11, and waking up in the afternoon.

So, that's part of it. Secondly, everyday I sat in front of my laptop for at least 10 hours. That's nearly half a day! My back hurt so much, and there was once when I couldn't even bend my fingers after having been typing for so long. Yes, literally couldn't bend my fingers. Of course, I believe my eye sight has deteriorated for having been looking at the screen for so long for so many days.

Thirdly, I had lost my appetite. I had at most 2 meals a day. That's partly because I went to sleep in the morning, and missed my breakfast. I was too knackered every time, and so I decided to sleep right away, and I would rather have more rest than to spend time to have my breakfast. Every second I had was so precious. On the day of submission, I literally didn't eat anything. All I had was 1 bottle of red bull energy shot which kept me awake and alert for the entire day. I still don't have the appetite till now.

Oh Red Bull, my lifesaver. It really helps!

Anyway, I'm not going to continue writing about it anymore. It's just going to be a post about my complaints anyway. The conclusion is, I was very stressed!

What's more important now is that IT IS EASTER BREAK!!!!!!!! So be happy!

Thursday, April 07, 2011


最近的生活,就是睡醒后就坐在电脑前。不是在浪费时间,而是拼命在赶 report 。从早上坐到晚上,一坐就坐上好几个小时,昨天发现背后疼痛不已,现在贴了好几片日本膏药布。这么惨啊!

现在压力非常大,大到我想哭了。脑汁已经绞尽了,可是还得继续做。唉。。。。。 怎么可以这样啊? 救命!!