Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Went go-karting at Atherton last Monday. A friend studying Economics invited us and I only realised that I was the only girl at the train station. Much to my relief, some of the guys there had never played go-karting before too, and some didn't know how to drive. According to the address, Atherton is in Manchester, probably Bolton, but we had to go by train, changing at Salford. Some guys in our group missed the first train to Salford by merely 5 seconds!! At the station at Salford, there were only two platforms, but many different trains. There was no sign or whatsoever that showed which train we should take to Atherton, which is kind of stupid...

So, we kept pestering a girl nearby asking her 'is this the one?' everytime a train arrived. We must have looked pretty dumb to her, as though we had never taken the train before. The guys who missed us came to Salford by cab and arrived just before we left.

It was an awesome experience. We had 8 people and they had to divide us into 2 groups. Of course, the guys raced against each other, and I tried my very best to drive as fast as I could, but I was still the slowest! Much slower than anyone else!!! I was just too cautious every time I drive, and I don't drive fast. I was shown the blue flag so many times, which meant I had to let the guys overtake me. Embarrassing huh? But after all, it was amazing!!! I'm seriously going to do go-karting again. The lady there told us the best and largest circuit in the UK was the one in Warrington, which is not far away from Manchester. Yes, another plan for the Easter break!! I can't wait!

The sky was beautiful that day

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


有一首诗歌,歌词是这么写着:‘神的道路,高过人的路。神的意念,高过人的意念........ 耐心等待要欢呼。’


最近世界上发生了很多天灾人祸。有革命,有地震,有海啸等等。 每次看到这样的新闻时,我都会想起一节经文:马太福音24:7


是不是世界末日将近? 所发生的事是不是应验了圣经里记载的?若真的是末日将要到来, 我是否已经做好准备?我身边的人是否也是都已经都准备好了呢?我相信我已经准备好了。

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Daylight Saving

It's 7.40 pm and it's still bright outside. YES!!! Somehow I prefer it to be bright outside before 8 pm. When it's dark,  I just don't feel like going out anymore, not even for dinner sometimes. I now feel like I have more time to do my things. *shrug* At least that's how I feel.

I was working till quite late last night. I thought I went to bed at 2 am, but when I looked at the time on my laptop, it showed 3 am!!! Damn it. The first days of daylight saving have always been very interesting, and I love it.

 Time flies... like this

So, it's the ninth week of second semester. That means I have been doing the design project for 4 months, and doing it in detail for 2 whole months! It's indeed a very painstaking process of trying to get things done on time. Meeting deadlines, researching, calling for meeting, working from morning till midnight, and reading more than 200 journals (and still finding more) are seriously no fun at all. Two more weeks, and the report writing part will be done! If you can't imagine how exhausting the design project is, just have a look at my coursemates, and me too! You'll see a bunch of ZOMBIES!!!

Yes, third year students are all zombies now. I'm not sure about other courses, but it's pretty safe to say that this applies to all engineering courses. But we will revive very soon!!!!! Meet us... the zombies of engineering courses....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


有人说, “忍一时,风平浪静, 退一步,海阔天空”。  真的是这样吗? 风平浪静还比较可能,但, 真的会海阔天空吗? 希望是如此吧!

这个世界就是这么不完美。 有很多不明白的东西, 也有很多在自己角度看来很莫名其妙的事情。 不明白就要搞清楚, 但是, 很多事不是在自己的掌控之下, 能怎样呢? 

人,就是一种奇怪的动物。 每个人都想要别人了解自己,但同时也不想让别人了解自己,很矛盾。想要别人明白自己的想法,但又把事情都隐藏在心里,心想别人应该会明白的。 

一定会有人看你不顺眼,一定有人批评你,一定有人与你不和。 无论你用了无数的方法去改变,去讨好人,还是会有这样的人。 

你认为自己很正直,根本没做错什么,但是, 就是会有些莫名其妙的事情发生。 我说莫名其妙,就是你不知道自己做错了什么, 或者其实根本什么都没做, 就是有人排挤你,不喜欢你。

算了吧。 就算觉得自己没做错什么,可是如果退一步能海阔天空的话, 又有何妨呢?

Saturday, March 19, 2011





Thursday, March 17, 2011

This is my plan for my Easter break

In the midst of rushing to finish my report by 11.59 pm tomorrow, I have come up with a few plans for my Easter break.

1. Bake cakes. I love love love love love blueberry cheesecakes, and I think I should make good use of the time when I'm still in UK where the blueberries are cheap!

2. Read at least two books. I'm so in love with Waterstones now. I never knew they provide sofas for their customers to read! But I will buy the books if I really love them, as I can never finish reading a book that quickly, and I don't want to go there everyday.

Even the little mouse is reading. How can I not read then??

3. Go to at least one new place in the UK. Most probably York! Or Edinburgh. Despite having been in the UK for more than 2 years now, I have only been to London, Liverpool, Birmingham and Peak District :(


4. Walk around Manchester. There are so many places in Manchester that I've not been to. Probably I'll go to Salford too. 

5. Eat! There are so many good restaurants in Manchester! First in the list, Chaophraya!

Alright. That's my plan. Back to work now.


It's 2.13 am, and I am still awake. That's not surprising, as I've not been sleeping before 3 am for more than two months, and I've been waking up after 12 pm everyday apart from Tuesday as I have a morning lecture at 9 am. Life has turned haywire. I know I should adjust back my time, but it's not the right time to do so. I promised myself that I will sleep by 12 am everyday once the report is submitted, and wake up by 10 am.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Tada!! This is the present I got for my dearest boyfriend for his birthday yesterday! It's something he's been wanting for a long long time, and most of all, he was surprised!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Back to Blogger

So, I'm back to Blogger after nearly a year! I thought I would prefer Tumblr as there's an App for my phone, and I thought it would be much easier. Yeah, it is easier definitely, and I hope there's an App for Blogger too, but the App doesn't make me blog more. I still prefer blogspot, for the better layout, and sometimes I would like to write more than just one or two sentences. And what's the use of App now? I spend literally all the time in front of my laptop when I'm not asleep or attending lectures. But who knows? I might still post something up to Tumblr every now and then.

So, how's my life been? I just want to say, I HAVE NO LIFE AT ALL! My mum was asking me to buy some stuff, and I told her I hadn't been shopping, even on weekends! YES, I haven't been shopping for nearly 2 months. So what's the big deal huh? (feeling disgustingly sour) And obviously she didn't believe me at first. Mum, I know you won't believe that your daughter is severely shopping deprived here in Manchester right? Me too. Sobs.

I'm currently doing my design project- designing a polylactic acid plant, and it's appallingly annoying! I know I know, I've been told many times that in order to be a chemical engineer, you have to learn to design processes and some equipments, and that's what you do as a chemical engineer. I seriously hate the life of being a chemical engineering STUDENT now. Yes, I said student, as I truly believe that being a chemical engineer is different from being a chemical engineering student. At least for the first few years after I've started working, I will not have to stay at home working on weekends, and have sleepless nights.

Actually, speaking of shopping, I don't know what I like about shopping nowadays. I believe I used to know, but after too much deprivation, I no longer like shopping. It's now just a way I complain about my boring life. 4 more weeks to Easter break! I can't wait, but prior to that, two more freaking report to submit.

Back to work. Ciao!